Thursday, March 27, 2008

Obama the Moving Target

Barack Obama MaskBarak Obama has made many eloquent speeches without really saying anything. Getting him pinned down on a position about anything is quite a challenge.

In the recent debate it took his opponent and the moderator a long time to get him to make a solid stand on the Farakahn statement of support that was recently reported. He just wouldn’t reject the support. He kept saying that he had denounced anti-semitic comments by the Nation of Islam leader but just wouldn’t come out and reject his support until, finally, after repeated prodding he did. Or did he? He said if the word ‘reject’ pleased Clinton then ok. But he never did, and still hasn’t stated plainly and without question that he rejected the support of Farakahn as well as his divisive rhetoric.

In this same debate Obama said he’d immediately pull our troops out of Iraq. He then said that if Al Qaeda came into Iraq and established a base he reserved the right to take military action. Not if they committed terrorist acts or the atrocities that they are known for…only if they established a “base” in Iraq. Then John McCain pointed out that Al Qaeda was already in Iraq. After having a day to get his answer ready and scripted Obama’s reply was that Al Qaeda wasn’t in Iraq until we invaded there.

What a moving target Obama is. The fact is that he has no firm plan about Iraq. When attempts are made to pin him down on his pledge to immediately pull out of Iraq he falls back on his claim that he reserves the right to take military action, etc. His original comment illustrated just how niave’ and inexperienced he is in foriegn affairs and military issues.

When caught “off-script” like during the Farakahn issue in the debate he shows that he’s not that eloquent and knowledgeable; and certainly not committed to any position. On this Iraq exchange he had time to prepare and trotted out that spiffy comeback that avoided the point made by McCain…and avoided taking a stand once again! He completely skirted the issue.

Obama is a smooth tongued orator that is gifted at talking alot without really saying anything substantive. Like a river boat gambler he is adept at slight of hand with his commentary.

For a president I’d rather have someone that lets me know exactly where he stands. Someone that stands his ground in the face of adversity. A president that, even though I may not agree with him on everything, I know who he is and what he stands for. Not a moving target blown by the political winds and the vagaries of the most recent polls.